Wilkinson Sword Double Edge Razor Cartridge, 5 Cartridges for $0.99
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I used to shave with the Gillette twin blade razor. That is, until they came out with the triple blade 'system' - when I switched over to that. After a while they came out with the Quattro and I said, "What the heck, lets keep up with the times". Finally, when Gillette introduced the Schtick (or some such monstrosity) a bulb went on in my head. It seems to me that they want to innovate for the sake of innovation.
That's when I decided to try out the old tried and tested solution and know what? I am never going back. It used to take me atleast 4-5 rinses every time I shave using a multiple blade 'system'. That's because the blades are so close together that hair gets trapped between the blades. They promise you a closer shave and all that, but I haven't seen any difference.
My double edged razor - the same one that my dad and probably his dad used to shave with - gives me a very close shave and I only rinse once and even then I just hold it under water and all the hair is gone. With the Gillettes I used to have to rub it with my fingers to get all the hair off!
Not the least is the feeling of manliness you get when you shave with a double edged razor. Yes, it's not a straight edge, but this is why I like it. It is innovation where they've made a good product (straight edge) better and safer!
I use a Merkur Long Handled Safety Razor with these blades. Best decision I've made in a long time.
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