Wilkinson sword classic double edge razor blades - 5 per pack x 6 packs (30 blades) for $9.99

List Price:$11.25

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If you want "the best a man can get" then this is it. These blades are great! They are manufactured in Germany and are very well-made. With Wilkinson I use a Merkur Classic "Barber Pole" long safety razor which I got here from Amazon. I brush on a little sandalwood shave cream and a few smooth moves later I'm soft as a baby's... well, you know. It's nice to engage in one of those forgotten rituals that remind a man why it's great to be a man. Proper shaving has become a lost art for most men, but it doesn't have to be for you. Today's average man hasn't a clue about the fine art of the traditional wet shave that our grandfathers used to take part in because we've been conditioned to accept the cheap and disposable multi-blades that companies market today - because it makes them rich, not because it's a better product. Those blades are far too expensive and dull too quickly. Plus, they get clogged and these fine Wilkinson blades don't. If you want a smoother shave, if you want to save money, if you want to reduce your environmental impact, and if you want to engage in a ritual that great men like your grandfather, John F. Kennedy, and Teddy Roosevelt took part in, then buy these blades. You won't regret it.

Cheap "Wilkinson sword classic double edge razor blades - 5 per pack x 6 packs (30 blades)" Discount Review Shop

"Wilkinson sword classic double edge razor blades - 5 per pack x 6 packs (30 blades)" Feature

  • 30 Double Edge Safety Razor Bldes
  • Imported From Germany

"Wilkinson sword classic double edge razor blades - 5 per pack x 6 packs (30 blades)" Overview

Superior value for a high quality razor blade, Wilkinson Classic blades fit any standard double edge safety razor. Long lasting, chromium-ceramic-PTFE coated blades with a fine edge are much more economical and environmentally friendly than cartridges. Maintains its edge longer for a smooth, close and comfortable sahve. Each package is sealed and contains 5 blades. Each blade is individually wrapped in wax paper. Manufactured in Germany under strict quality standards.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 12, 2010 05:00:15

1 Response to "Wilkinson sword classic double edge razor blades - 5 per pack x 6 packs (30 blades) for $9.99"

  1. Classic shaving using the straight razors or double edge razors means giving myself the closest shave possible with less nicks and cuts. Thanks for sharing!

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